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    Acne Myths and Misconceptions

    Acne Myths and Misconceptions
    While the skincare industry is evolving rapidly and there are now more skincare products available on the market for every skin concern than ever before, many people are still struggling to get rid of common skin problems, such as acne. Widespread misconceptions and rumors are one of the reasons people are unable to deal with acne effectively. The best course of action against this annoying skin condition is to dig deeper into the ubiquitous notions related to it. Let’s have a peek at some of the facts and myths to set you on the path to clear and healthy skin.

    Acne is a Common Skin Problem

    FACT: Acne is undoubtedly one of the most common skin care conditions. It is known to affect around 50 million people in the US every year. 85 percent of the people facing this problem are adolescents (between the ages of 12 and 24). However, a huge number of adults (especially women) also experience some type of acne.

    Acne is Caused by Dirty Skin

    MYTH: This myth often leads people to over exfoliate their skin or use harsh soaps, which actually makes acne worse. Acne is not the result of dirty skin. Scrubbing the skin too hard or using harsh soaps can actually irritate the skin and cause more acne. Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to whiteheads, blackheads or pimples.

    Skincare Products Can Cause Acne

    FACT: Not all Skincare products are created equal. Many products on the market are not suitable for oily and acne-prone skin. There are certain ingredients found in many formulations that will clog your pores and can activate a breakout. Some of the most common ingredients that will trigger a breakout  are Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter. I teach my clients to check the ingredient deck on product labels before making a purchase even if it says “Won’t Clog Pores” or “Non-Comedogenic”. The skincare industry is not regulated. So, skincare companies can claim their products won't cause acne and promote clear skin but still have pore-clogging ingredients in their formulas.

    Spot Treating Will Clear Acne

    MYTH: Spot treating a pimple only treats the pimple you see. It doesn't treat those pesky pimples forming underneath the skin and only allows the bacteria to thrive and multiply in the nearby areas. Here's another fact: It can take up to 30 days for a pimple to surface on your skin. This is why it's more effective to treat your entire face. Using the right products that target and eliminate the underlying causes of acne is the best way to treat and prevent breakouts. I recommend using an antimicrobial serum all over, then circle back and spot treat any inflamed pimples with a medicated acne gel or cream.  

    Washing Your Face More Often Can Help

    MYTH: While it’s essential to cleanse your skin and get rid of oil, dirt, bacteria, and other impurities, over-cleansing can leave you with a myriad of skin problems. Washing your face too often can strip your skin of it's natural moisture, leaving it dry and dehydrated. Your body will recognize this as a deficiency and try to fix it by producing oil, which in turn, creates a favorable environment for acne-causing bacteria to grow and spread.

    Dairy Can Make Acne Worse

    FACT: This is absolutely true. Dairy (primarily milk, cheese and yogurt) is high in iodides which causes inflammation and aggravates acne. Dairy also contains growth hormones, when ingested they influence endogenous hormones and mimics the hormones that trigger oil production and activates the acne process. Most clients who cut dairy from their diet notice a difference in their skin almost immediately. You don't have to cut out dairy completely. But, be mindful of your intake. Remember, what you put in your body will manifest on your skin.

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